Jisoo Gold
Creative Direction & Visual Design


kkum x WhatWhy Art (2024)
자유 즉흥

Stage Design

국립현대무용단 무용X기술 창작랩 프로토타입 쇼케이스
KNCDC Dance x Technology Creative Lab Prototype Showcase (2024)

Human-Robot Movement Lab - Human-Robot Movement_Model 1

인간-로봇 움직임 연구소
Human-Robot Movement Lab

‘인간-로봇 움직임 연구소'는 [인간-로봇 움직임 모델 1]을 개발중이다.
포스트 휴머니즘 시대에 인간과 로봇의 동적 공존이 다가온에 따라, 로봇이라는 새로운 동적 주체 혹은 매개체와 함께 인간은 어떠한 움직임과 삶을 공유/교류하게 될 것인지에 대해 사유하고, 이를 공연 형태로 풀어내고자 한다.

Stage Design

THE AIR HOUSE 10th Autumn (2024)

Stage Design

Rainbow Disco Club 15 Years in Korea (2024)

Stage Design

THE AIR HOUSE 9th Spring (2024)

Stage Design 

IVAAIU City & KGRn Tokyo present [構造音] (2024)

participated in the installation with the IVAAIU CITY team

IVAAIU City(2024)
Ecological Loop

<?NEXT!> 10000arts10000acts at Powerplant
an artificial electrical conductive structure for transferring signals between isolated plants and trees in an urban environment:
도심 환경속 상호격리된 식물간 신호를 전달하는 인공전도구조체

participated in the installation with the IVAAIU CITY team

IVAAIU City(2023)
Ecological Loop

installation with the team IVAAIU CITY.

IVAAIU City, A-Axis Architects, Kyoka, and Jiin Yoon
presented by ZER01NE (2023)
‘Robot Architecture Archetype: Seoul-London Conversion’

Wooden Structure, Steel Structure, Lighting System,
Sound System, Objects, Computer,
SPOT (Boston Dynamics), 11m x 7.5m x 4.5m

installation with the team IVAAIU CITY.

IVAAIU City (2023)
Lake Phenomenon
Presented by Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation

installation with the team IVAAIU CITY.